A memorial can come in a variety of shapes and sizes such as columns in newspapers, crosses on the side of the road, park benches and Facebook. Last mentioned has become increasing popular with the growth of the social media website to more than 500 million users. In the past the most common way to create a memorial on Facebook has been though a group or page. Lately applications that are custom made for this purpose have become an even better medium to create memorials for a departed loved one.
The main advantage of applications opposed to pages and groups on Facebook is that is it designed for memorials and nothing else. Pages and groups are largely used for business and promotion purposes which can make them seem formal and impersonal with other uses.
Good Grief is a South African developed memorial application that is functional and simple to use. Useful functions of this application include uploading photos, a section where one can share good memories and make dedications with virtual wreath and candles. Good Grief is a free application which will also encourage more people to contribute to the memorial.
Physical memorials such park benches can be geographically limiting. When creating a memorial on Facebook, family and friends who live far away, and even abroad, can have a place of remembrance as it can be accessed anywhere in the world with an internet able device.
Memorials are more than a place of grief. It is also an opportunity to pay tribute and to celebrate a departed loved one. A memorial can also become a support group. By creating a memorial on a digital platform it immediately becomes more accessible.
Set up a memorial on Good Grief here